Tag Archives: Stardust Telepath

Hoshikozu Telepath: Touching Foreheads is a Sign of Affection, I saw it in Suddenly Human

Hoshikozu Telepath was a late 2023 anime from Studio Gokumi based off of a manga by Ookuma Rasuko. I have reviewed some Gokumi anime before: Yuuki Yuuna wa Yusha de Aru, Tonari no Kyuuketsuki-san, A-Channel and the god awful Dansai Bunri no Crime Edge. Let’s hope this is more like the other stuff I’ve reviewed of theirs and not that one.


Konohoshi Umika is an incredibly awkward girl who doesn’t fit in with people in general. I relate. She dreams about going into space and meeting aliens who will understand her. I still relate. Her life is turned upside down when a strange girl arrives at her school and declares herself to be an alien. Umika is immediately drawn to her. Can’t relate to that one but I wish I could. The story involves their budding friendship, which quickly starts growing into more and their quest to build a rocket to take them both into space. Naturally, they start small with various forms of miniature rockets. Fortunately for them, they make some friends who can help them along.

My only real issue with the story is that it stops dead in its tracks multiple times to explain the specifics of building model rockets. It really takes you out of the narrative when Raimon or Kei just starts going into ultra specific details about model rockets. I’m sure someone will argue that “it’s educational” but that doesn’t make it narratively cohesive. All those PSAs that used to get added to the end of American cartoons were educational too but they were still the worst part.

On the positive side, the anime is insanely cute. I appreciate the fact that its sci-fi elements are toned down to make it more relatable, including having the girls start small and do something within the realm of possibility for High School girls. Though I can get fully behind a more zany, over the top comedy there is something to be said for the more toned down, relatable approach. Most of the jokes are also really good. It also provides a solid sense of hardships and the girls going through a steep learning curve. They don’t just become masters through a short montage or have some uncanny knack for building rockets. There’s also a great little theme of finding a place to belong that we see all our main characters engage with to varying degrees.


The thing I adore about the cast of characters is that they all have complexity, realistic motivations and character flaws. While I maintain that comedic characters don’t necessarily need those attributes, it is nice to see ones who have them.

Umika has extreme social anxiety and starts out only being comfortable with Yuu and her own relatives but we start to see her gradually putting an effort into socialising and the group of people she can talk to expands. Yuu has a much more extroverted outlook but that covers up a loneliness and sense of loss over not remembering who she is or where she came from. Haruno has a dream of helping others achieve their goals but in working with the others she starts to discover ambitions of her own. Raimon is obsessed with tinkering and feels isolated because no one can keep up with her so she pushes people away but Umika and the others may just be able to understand her.

It’s worth noting that these four also work very strongly together for comedic purposes. Their dynamics provide all kinds of possibilities for strong gags. They’re also just downright adorable.

Where the anime falters a bit is with the minor characters. Most of them are perfectly fine. They serve the function they need to and feel real enough. Then we have characters like the teacher or the little sister who just feel under-utilized. The situation will beg for them to do something more substantial than they end up doing.


I really love the character designs. The differently coloured highlights a lot of the girls have in their hair is really striking and the general designs are basically weaponised cuteness. They also go into great detail to make the various types of model rockets super accurate. The backgrounds are very good too.


The cast is excellent. Funato Yurie, Fukagawa Seria, Aoki Shiki & Nagamuta Moe all have amazing performances. The music is great. Sakai Asuka did a phenomenal job.


There’s a lot. All four of the major girls, Umika, Yuu, Haruno & Raimon have a level of les-yay that would make a polyamorous relationship amongst them believable. And it’s ceaselessly adorable. Even the fact that they touch foreheads in multiple affectionate scenes like they adopted Jeremiah Rossa is cute. The les-yay is especially strong betwixt Umika & Yuu. They have so many exceptionally cute moments.

Areas of Improvement:

  1. We don’t need long explanations of model rockets. Yes, they make it clear that you did your research but they also aren’t very entertaining.
  2. The series really needs to do more with the bigger supporting characters. Even just a few extra lines to help flesh them out.
  3. More cute Sapphic moments would work a treat since they are one of the strongest aspects of the series.

Final Thoughts:

Hoshikozu Telepath stands alongside Gokumi’s best work, Tonari no Kyuuketsuki-san. It’s an excellent series with some minor issues. My final rating is going to be a 9/10.